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Halloween Fun !

In deciding what to write about today, my dilemma was between something fun and something serious. Decided to go with FUN!!

Halloween is just around the corner and anyone who’s thinking of giving a party or dressing their children up for the holiday will (hopefully) enjoy some of the tricks and treats I’ve pulled from the Internet.

Let’s start with my favorites:

Spooky Eyes – made from empty toilet paper rolls. Cut out the eyes (use your imagination!) then put a glow stick inside and place in your yard or home. Someone is watching YOU !

Spiders in a Jar – take a large jar, fake spiders, cotton balls, water and glow sticks. Just a tad creepy (o:

Zombie Dolls/Siamese twins – I’m giving you the link for instructions on how to make these dolls.

To finish off my favorites I want to show you the costume that made me laugh out loud…

Crazy Cat Lady – no instructions since the picture tells the story!!!

Skeleton Guts – this one is food related, and I thought inventive (o:

Halloween Hand Treat Bags – if you were passing out candy the kids would love this idea.

Roach Soap - this one is self-explanatory.

Ghostly Figures - must admit this one would scare me if I looked out my window and saw it in my yard! It uses chicken wire, imagination and glow in the dark paint.

Hot Dog Fingers - I’ve seen this idea using fake nails but I honestly thought this was more effective and avoids a risk of children eating the nails – simply cut the hot dog for the nail.

Granny Kid Costume – how can you NOT like this idea!

Mummy Nails – for the ‘Mummy’s’ out there that love Halloween (o:

There is SO much to see on Pinterest ! All of these ideas came from there.

Hope this gives you a taste of what you can do to make Halloween a favorite with your kids.

Have fun!!!

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