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To Clean or Not to Clean !

What Americans would rather do than clean:

  • 44% would rather speak in front of a large group.

  • 30% would rather ride in the car with their in-laws for 6 hours.

  • 10% would rather eat dog food !!!

The above info was listed in the May issue of First for Women magazine - sourced from Molly Maid

Most people dislike cleaning because:

  • It takes too long.

  • It’s boring.

  • It seems never-ending !

Remember, if you clean as you go, cleaning time doesn’t feel like lost time.

For example:

  • Sometimes it’s easier and quicker to do a sweep up on bare floors with a broom vs waiting til it’s really bad then taking the time and effort to bring the vacuum out.

  • Keep your counters uncluttered and it becomes a breeze to wipe them down.

  • Before your children go to bed ALL toys must be picked up and deposited into a toy box or basket.

  • Make your bed before you do anything else in the morning.

  • When you finish showering take a minute to hang your towel and deposit dirty laundry in the basket marked dirty laundry !

  • When you dust use a SWIFFER – it’s by far (in my opinion) the easiest and quickest way to control surface dust.

  • Run the dishwasher while you sleep then empty it in the morning.

  • Keep cleaning supplies in each room for easy access.

  • Purge out drawers at least every 3 months as you’re talking on the phone.

  • Fold clean laundry as you watch t.v.

CLEAN AS YOU GO! It works!

If that isn’t enough to convince you how easy and beneficial it is to clean let me throw a few more statistics your way (o:

The following comes courtesy of Twinkle Clean.

  • If you clean for 2 hours you burn 200 calories !

  • The average person spends 87% of their time indoors – make cleaning your home a priority.

If you fall in the ‘I would rather eat dog food than clean’ category I sincerely hope that you can find a way to make cleaning less of a chore and more a way of life.

If you can’t then I sincerely hope you can afford someone like me to come in and help de-stress your life by doing your most hated chores – otherwise it could be a very long and tedious life for you !

A clean home is a healthy home. That’s a fact!

Check out This Old House – 72 easy upgrades for a healthier home

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